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57 results found
Hazard Expertise

Kalyn Rosenberg

Senior Program Manager
Carolinas Collaborative on Climate, Health, and Equity

How can I help?
I can help create project plans, design team management strategies and identify funding opportunities. I focus on helping local leaders and organizations wanting to promote community climate and health resiliency.

Karin Rogers

UNC Asheville - National Environmental Modeling and Analysis Center

How can I help?
I can help you enhances the quality and accelerate the pace of resilience-based decisions. My goal is to ensure that communities are prepared and empowered to make informed choices.

Kasen Wally

Coastal Resiliency Specialist
NC Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Coastal Management

How can I help?
I can connect you with a network of coastal resilience resources, including programs, funding, professionals and tools designed to guide you toward building resilience in your community.

Kathie Dello

State Climatologist/Director
State Climate Office of North Carolina

How can I help?
I can help by providing custom and community-centered data-driven climate services to support decision making. I do this through tailored research projects, data access and integration, outreach and communications. 

Kathleen Lawlor

Associate Professor of Economics
UNC Asheville

How can I help?
I can assist with vulnerability analysis and help you design interventions that enhance equity and build socioeconomic resilience.

Katie Warnell

Senior Policy Associate
Duke University - Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment and Sustainability

How can I help?
I can help you access and interpret maps projecting sea level rise and associated habitat changes.

Langston Alexander

Regional Recovery and Resilience Coordinator
Central Pines Regional Council

How can I help?
For local and county governments in Moore, Lee, Chatham, Orange, Durham, Wake or Johnston Counties, I can help develop climate resilience strategies, identify funding options and facilitate regional resilience conversations.

Lauren Kolodij

Deputy Director
NC Coastal Federation

How can I help?
I provide targeted trainings and peer-to-peer information exchange for local governments. I also help communities navigate complex issues and increase their capacity to plan, identify, fund and implement resilience projects.

Logan Kluttz

Project Manager
NC Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Infrastructure

How can I help?
As heavy precipitation events become more frequent, I can help you identify strategies and funding opportunities for increasing the ability of stormwater infrastructure to manage flooding.

Mackenzie Todd

Coastal Resiliency Coordinator
NC Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Coastal Management

How can I help?
I can help you understand your coastal hazards risks. Through the NC Resilient Coastal Communities Program, I help coastal communities apply for technical assistance, and then help them get projects funded.

Mariko Polk

Coastal Processes Specialist
NC Sea Grant

How can I help?
I specialize in coastal wetlands and ecosystems, sea level rise and hurricanes. Contact me for extension-based services, including facilitation, planning, education and outreach, solution co-development, grant writing and applied research.

Mary Roderick

Planning Director
Land of Sky Regional Council

How can I help?
I can assist with vulnerability and risk assessment; with policies, plans, ordinances and incentives to address vulnerability and risk; and with securing implementation funding. I support Land of Sky region governments.

Michael A. Abraczinskas

NC Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Air Quality

How can I help?
I can answer questions about the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions, including the quantification of emission reduction measures.

Mike Yoder

Associate Director
NC State Extension

How can I help?
With over 25 years of experience, I can help local governments and their partners plan for, respond to and recover from natural disasters. I also specialize in drought tracking for agriculture.

Nastasha Earle-Young

Policy Director
NC Department of Transportation

How can I help?
I can connect you with transportation data and tools to help you manage the impacts of climate change. Along with my NC DOT colleagues, I can also provide technical expertise.