Funding Database: Asset Inventory

Asset Inventory and Assessment Grants

Asset Inventory and Assessment (AIA) grants are designed to help local government units and nonprofit water corporations manage their water and wastewater systems better. By offering up to $150,000 over three years from either the Wastewater Reserve or the Drinking Water Reserve, these grants encourage projects that focus on checking the condition and keeping a detailed list of important assets. This information helps in planning for the future and making sure that the systems are well-maintained, financially sound and ready to serve the community in the long run. 

The NC Department of Environmental Quality (NC DEQ) Division of Water Infrastructure (DWI) manages the AIA grants program. The State Water Infrastructure Authority (SWIA) awards the funding.

Eligible Applicants

Eligible applicants include local government units and nonprofit water corporations. Only systems with 10,000 residential accounts or less are eligible for these grants with two exceptions

  1. If the applicant is considering consolidating with a larger system, the applicant may address the questions related to system management using information provided by the larger system.
  2. If a small system that was 10,000 residential accounts or less has merged with a larger system in the last two years and the larger system can justify needing the AIA project after merger, the larger system can apply on behalf of the merged system.

Eligible Projects

Eligible projects include asset inventories and condition assessments of critical assets and their components.

Funding Amount

Up to $150,000 is available over a period of three years. The SWIA releases the program funding availability each spring, typically in February. For up-to-date information on funding, visit the Latest Funding Round Updates webpage.

Match Requirements

There is a 1.5% grant fee applicable to all AIA grants. Additional funding match requirements only apply to non-distressed systems. For more details, please review the Priority Rating System Guidance for DWI AIA Grants (PDF).

Application Schedule

The AIA program, along with most other DWI programs, has fixed application deadlines. These deadlines occur no more than twice a year. Generally, AIA funding is available during spring and fall funding periods. The application period for fall 2023 opened on Aug. 2, 2023, and closed on Oct. 2, 2023. The spring 2024 application period deadline was set for April 30, 2024.

Application Process

DWI posts each cycle’s application form on its Application Forms and Additional Resources webpage. Applicants submit completed applications online. 

The AIA grants application review process involves several steps:

  1. Priority Rating: Each application includes a priority rating form that assists DWI in evaluating the proposed project based on criteria established by SWIA.
  2. Review and Ranking: After the deadline for each funding round, DWI reviews all applications and assigns priority raking points. DWI ranks the projects in priority point order and presents this information to SWIA.
  3. Funding Selection: SWIA awards the funding.

Application Assistance

DWI offers several opportunities for general water infrastructure project funding. Applicants can also refer to the Water and Wastewater Utility Evaluation Guidance Document (PDF)

For AIA specific questions and eligibility, contact Matthew Rushing at (919) 707-9060 or via email at

Funding Source

The NC DEQ Division of Water Infrastructure provides this funding through appropriations from the NC General Assembly.

Key Info
FunderNC Department of Environmental Quality
Program LinkAsset Inventory and Assessment Grants
Opportunity TypeFunding > Grant
AwardUp to $150,000 over a three-year period
Match Required?Yes
This Page was Last UpdatedFebruary 27, 2025
(*) - Estimated date; date will be updated when the next notice of funding opportunity is announced.
Program Contact
Matthew Rushing
Engineer, Viable Utilities Unit
NC Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Infrastructure
(919) 707-9060
Completed Project Example
The Town of Oxford, N.C. developed a 10-year Capital Improvement Plan and has now secured additional funding for upgrades to its aging water and wastewater systems.