Funding Database: 319 Grant

Clean Water Act Section 319 Grant Program

The NC Department of Environmental Quality (NC DEQ) Division of Water Resources (DWR) provides grant funding to implement watershed plans intended to restore waters impaired by nonpoint source pollution. Section 319 grants are a component of the Clean Water Act that provide states with funding for watershed restoration projects. Successful applicants have used the funding for riparian vegetation restoration, stream channel restoration, streambank stabilization, erosion mitigation, storm water management improvements, various agricultural practices, septic system remediation and others.

Eligible Applicants

Applicants may include state and local governments, councils of governments, interstate and intrastate agencies, public and private nonprofit organizations, academic institutions and state-recognized tribes.

Eligible Projects

Projects must be geared toward restoration of waterbodies currently impaired by nonpoint source pollution in areas with watershed plans approved by NC DEQ. See a list of North Carolina’s approved watershed restoration plans. Potential applicants may submit draft plans for review and approval. Visit the website to see the current year’s Request for Proposals for details. 

Eligible projects aim to improve water quality and address nonpoint source pollution through various management measures. Proposed activities must directly address the nonpoint source pollutants, causes and sources identified as priorities in the watershed management plan. Projects may include but are not limited to: 

  • Highly targeted nutrient and sediment reduction projects in a single HUC-12 watershed 
  • Riparian restoration using bioengineering and/or green methods 
  • Wetland and floodplain restoration 
  • Stormwater management projects 
  • Stream restoration using natural channel design methodology or low-head dam removal 
  • Development or significant update of nine-element watershed management plans in underserved communities

Funding Amount

The amount of funding available is based on Congressional appropriations. In 2023, North Carolina received $1.5 million in Section 319 Grant pass-through funding. DWR does not stipulate a maximum funding request amount. Most awarded projects range from $50,000 to $300,000.

Match Requirements

All projects must include non-federal matching funds of at least 40% of the project’s total costs. Adding more than 40% match improves project competitiveness during selection. Applicants may request a full or partial reduction in match for the projects that benefits an underserved community and involve them in the implementation of project.

Application Schedule

The annual grant schedule is as follows: 

  • Late January: Request for Proposals released 
  • Early May: Grant application deadline 
  • Late June: Selected projects announced 
  • January of the following year: Projects may start

Application Process

Applications and review criteria are linked on the 319 Grant Program webpage under the “Grant Schedule & Materials” dropdown. Applicants must submit a draft application by the draft proposal deadline to obtain preliminary review and comments from DWR staff.

Application Assistance

Watch this video for advice from a grant recipient. For more information, view the 319 Grant Program story map. For specific questions, contact the 319 grant coordinators listed above.

Funding Source

This funding is provided by the Environmental Protection Agency through Clean Water Act Section 319(h).

Key Info
FunderNC Department of Environmental Quality
Program Link319 Grant Program
Opportunity TypeFunding > Grant
(optional draft proposals),
(full proposals)
Award$50,000 - $300,000
Match Required?Yes
This Page was Last UpdatedMay 9, 2024
(*) - Estimated date; date will be updated when the next notice of funding opportunity is announced.
Program Contacts
Rishi Bastakoti, PhD
319 Grant Coordinator
NC Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Resources
(919) 707-3623
Robin Hoffman
205j Grant Administrator
NC DEQ, Division of Water Resources
(919) 707-3643
Completed Project Example
The New River Conservancy used a $214,955 Section 319 grant to partially fund a 1.1-mile stream restoration of Naked Creek in northwestern North Carolina. Learn more (PDF).