Funding Database: Hazard Mitigation

Hazard Mitigation Grant Program

The Federal Emergency Management System (FEMA) Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) is administered by NC Emergency Management (NCEM) and provides funding to state, local, tribal and territorial governments to develop hazard mitigation plans, buyout hazard-prone property, and construct projects that reduce or mitigate future disaster losses in their communities. This funding is available after a presidentially declared disaster. Hazard mitigation includes long-term efforts to reduce risk and the potential impact of future disasters. HMGP assists communities in rebuilding after a disaster in a better, stronger and safer way to become more resilient overall.

Eligible Applicants

State and local governments and federally recognized tribes are the only eligible applicants, but homeowners, businesses and nonprofits may be able to submit a sub-application through one of these eligible applicants.

Eligible Projects

Projects must be viable, cost-effective and comply with environmental and historic preservation laws and regulations. HMGP also gives additional consideration to projects incorporating nature-based solutions. Eligible projects may involve the following:

  • Developing or updating a FEMA-approved plan to help state, local, tribal and territorial governments identify risks and ways to reduce vulnerability to hazards
  • Planning-related activities such as updating a hazard mitigation plan, integrating risk assessment or mitigation strategy information from mitigation plans, building capacity through technical assistance and evaluating risk reduction ordinances
  • Retrofitting existing buildings to make them less susceptible to damage
  • Purchasing hazard-prone property to remove people and structures from harm’s way
  • Utility and infrastructure retrofits to reduce risk of failure from natural hazards
  • Drainage improvement projects to reduce potential for flood damage
  • Slope stabilization projects to reduce risk
  • Using nature-based solutions such as aquifer storage and recovery, floodplain and stream restoration, flood diversion and storage or other green infrastructure methods to reduce the impacts of flood, drought or wildfire

Funding Amount

Funding varies based on the extent of the disaster and allotted federal funding. Funding is available only as reimbursement for work started after project approval.

Match Requirements

A 25% match from non-federal funding is required. In North Carolina, the state has generally covered this match.

Application Schedule

Applications are considered on a rolling basis until another federal disaster fund is established, this fund is dissolved or funds are depleted. All applicants must submit sub-applications within 12 months of a presidential major disaster declaration.

Application Process

The application process is divided into three steps:

  1. Project Scoping: Project identification and technical feasibility assessment
  2. Project Development: Project detail, including development of a scope of work, project schedule, budget and cost-effectiveness determination
  3. Project Submission: Submit the application

Application Assistance

FEMA hosts spring and fall seasonal webinars that walk through the application process and provide guidance. For further assistance contact Steve McGugan, the State Hazard Mitigation Officer, or call the Hazard Mitigation Assistance helpline at (866) 222-3580.

Funding Source

FEMA funds the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program through federal appropriations. NCEM, a division of the NC Department of Public Safety, administers the HMGP program.

Key Info
FunderFederal Emergency Management Agency
Program LinkHazard Mitigation Grant Program
Opportunity TypeFunding > Grant
Match Required?Yes
This Page was Last UpdatedMarch 22, 2024
Program Contact
Steve McGugan
State Hazard Mitigation Officer
NC Emergency Management
Office: (919) 873-5843
Cell: (919) 971-1290
Completed Project Example