Funding Database: NCLWF Innovative Stormwater Program

North Carolina Land and Water Fund: Innovative Stormwater Program

The NC Land and Water Fund (NCLWF) Innovative Stormwater Program funds projects that protect and improve the quality of water in North Carolina. 

Generally, NCLWF helps finance projects that:

  • Enhance or restore degraded surface water, including drinking water supplies
  • Contribute toward a network of riparian buffers — the land adjacent to streams and rivers
  • Contribute toward a network of greenways for environmental, educational and recreational benefits
  • Provide buffers around military bases to protect the military mission
  • Acquire land that represents the ecological diversity of North Carolina
  • Acquire land that contributes to the development of a balanced State program of historic properties 

NCLWF is a program of the Division of Land and Water Stewardship within the NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (NC DNCR).

Eligible Applicants

State agencies, local governments and nonprofits are eligible to apply. The primary focus of the nonprofits must be on the conservation, preservation or restoration of North Carolina’s cultural, environmental and natural resources.

Eligible Projects

Applicants are encouraged submit projects that use novel and untried methods for managing stormwater. 

NCLWF defines “innovative stormwater projects” as projects that: 1) bring something new or different to practices in stormwater quality management, 2) build on experience and current practices and 3) advance practices in stormwater quality management regionally or statewide. 

Example project objectives include, but are not limited to:

  • Reducing runoff volumes and rates
  • Promoting infiltration and recharging of groundwater
  • Mimicking mechanisms of natural systems
  • Removing pollutants

Funding Amount

The funding amount varies.

Match Requirements

A match is not required, but projects with little or no match are rarely funded.

Application Schedule

The NCLWF Innovative Stormwater Program has one grant cycle per year. The application form becomes available in January. The deadline to apply is March 1 of each year. NC DNCR announces award decisions each fall.

Application Process

Applicants apply online. The application requires a location map, a property map and a description of the study design.

Application Assistance

Field representatives are the first line of contact for general questions and for developing projects. Getting the field representative involved early will yield better results for your application and contract process.

Funding Source

The NC General Assembly funds the NCLWF through state appropriations.

Key Info
FunderNC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources
Program LinkNorth Carolina Land and Water Fund
Opportunity TypeFunding > Grant
OpensJanuary of each year
ClosesMarch 1 of each year
Match Required?Encouraged
This Page was Last UpdatedMay 10, 2024
Program Contacts
NC Land and Water Fund Field Representatives:
Western Region:
Damon Hearne
(828) 476-6758
Central Region:
Chelsea Blount
(336) 689-5519
Eastern Region:
Jill Fusco
(984) 297-4171
Completed Project Example
The North Carolina Arboretum in Buncombe County received NCLWF funding to convert a stormwater basin into a constructed wetland that addresses on-site stormwater challenges. Read about this example and others.