Funding Database

Find funding for building community and ecosystem resilience to the impacts of flooding, heat waves and other climate impacts. Some opportunities include technical assistance. To narrow down the list, use the check boxes and then click the "Apply" button located below the list of options.

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46 results found
Action Types

Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program

Funding Opportunity
Opportunity TypeFunding > Property Acquisition
FunderNC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
OpensVaries by county
ClosesVaries by county

This NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services program helps private landowners take agricultural land along streams, ditches and wetlands out of production. Landowners then establish riparian buffer zones with the goal of reducing pollution and sedimentation from agriculture operations while also enhancing native wildlife habitat.

Conservation Reserve Program

Funding Opportunity
Opportunity TypeFunding > Grant
FunderUSDA Farm Service Agency

This US Department of Agriculture (USDA) program provides financial incentives to farmers who remove environmentally sensitive lands from production. Participants must aim to control soil erosion, enhance water quality and increase wildlife habitat on that land.

Drinking Water State Revolving Fund

Funding Opportunity
Opportunity TypeFunding > Loan
FunderNC Department of Environmental Quality
AwardUp to $25 million
Opens7/1/2025* (fall),
2/28/2025* (spring)
Closes10/1/2025* (fall),
4/30/2025* (spring)
(*) - Estimated date; date will be updated when the next notice of funding opportunity is announced.

The NC Department of Environmental Quality administers the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund. This federally funded program provides low-interest loans and a limited amount of principal forgiveness loans to local governments and nonprofit and investor-owned drinking water corporations to invest in drinking water infrastructure.

Emergency Management Performance Grant

Funding Opportunity
Opportunity TypeFunding > Grant
FunderNC Emergency Management
(*) - Estimated date; date will be updated when the next notice of funding opportunity is announced.

This NC Emergency Management program provides funding for the implementation of the National Preparedness System. The grant aims to build state and county government capacity to prevent and protect communities from natural and man-made disasters, mitigate their effects and establish quick response and recovery times.

Environmental Enhancement Grant Program

Funding Opportunity
Opportunity TypeFunding > Grant
FunderNC Department of Justice
Award$5,000 - $500,000
OpensCurrently on hold
ClosesCurrently on hold
(*) - Estimated date; date will be updated when the next notice of funding opportunity is announced.

Note: This program is currently on hold. This NC Department of Justice program funds projects that improve air, water and land quality. These grants to nonprofit entities fund land acquisition, construction, planning, conservation and research projects, with priority given to projects in eastern North Carolina that improve water quality and benefit underserved communities.

Environmental Quality Incentives Program

Funding Opportunity
Opportunity TypeTechnical Assistance; Funding > Grant
FunderUSDA Natural Resource Conservation Service

This Natural Resource Conservation Service program offers financial and technical assistance to farmers and owners of private forestland to help them integrate conservation into working lands.

Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration Grant Program

Funding Opportunity
Opportunity TypeFunding > Grant
FunderNational Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Award$25,000 to $50,000
(*) - Estimated date; date will be updated when the next notice of funding opportunity is announced.

This National Fish and Wildlife Foundation program focuses on the stewardship and restoration of coastal, wetland and riparian ecosystems. It awards funding to diverse local partnerships focused on improving water quality, watersheds, species and habitats. Applying for this grant can open additional sources of funding.

Flood Mitigation Assistance

Funding Opportunity
Opportunity TypeFunding > Grant
FunderFederal Emergency Management Agency

This Federal Emergency Management Agency grant program makes funds available to states, territories, federally recognized tribes and local governments to reduce or eliminate the risk of repetitive flood damage to buildings and structures insured under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), and within NFIP-participating communities.