Funding Database

Find funding for building community and ecosystem resilience to the impacts of flooding, heat waves and other climate impacts. Some opportunities include technical assistance. To narrow down the list, use the check boxes and then click the "Apply" button located below the list of options.

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46 results found
Action Types

Brownfields Cleanup Grants

Funding Opportunity
Opportunity TypeFunding > Grant
FunderEnvironmental Protection Agency
AwardVaries, up to $2 million
(*) - Estimated date; date will be updated when the next notice of funding opportunity is announced.

These Environmental Protection Agency grants provide funding for eligible entities to carry out cleanup activities at brownfield sites.

Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities

Funding Opportunity
Opportunity TypeFunding > Grant
FunderFederal Emergency Management Agency
Closes12/20/2024 (Letter of Intent deadline)

This Federal Emergency Management Agency program helps communities manage the increased risk of impact from hazards. The grant supports natural hazard risk mitigation activities that promote climate adaptation and resilience to address both extreme weather events and ongoing problems that are expected to increase in intensity and frequency.

Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Direct Technical Assistance

Funding Opportunity
Opportunity TypeTechnical Assistance
FunderFederal Emergency Management Agency
AwardTA opportunity: up to 36 months
(*) - Estimated date; date will be updated when the next notice of funding opportunity is announced.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Direct Technical Assistance provides technical support to communities and tribal nations that are interested in enhancing their capability and capacity to design holistic, equitable hazard mitigation solutions that advance community-driven objectives.

Clean Water Act Section 319 Grant Program

Funding Opportunity
Opportunity TypeFunding > Grant
FunderNC Department of Environmental Quality
Award$50,000 - $300,000
Closes3/15/2025* (optional draft proposals),
5/6/2025* (full proposals)
(*) - Estimated date; date will be updated when the next notice of funding opportunity is announced.

The NC Department of Environmental Quality provides grant funding to implement watershed plans intended to restore waters impaired by nonpoint source pollution. Permissible projects include riparian vegetation restoration, stream channel restoration, streambank stabilization, erosion mitigation, stormwater management improvements, various agricultural practices, septic system remediation and others.

Clean Water State Revolving Fund

Funding Opportunity
Opportunity TypeFunding > Loan
FunderNC Department of Environmental Quality
AwardUp to $35 million

The Clean Water State Revolving Fund, managed by the NC Department of Environmental Quality, provides low- or zero-interest loans supplemented with principal forgiveness to local government units at low market rates to allow for implementation, repair and maintenance of water infrastructure including wastewater, stormwater and stream restoration projects.

Community Collaborative Research Grant

Funding Opportunity
Opportunity TypeFunding > Grant
FunderMultiple organizations
Award$5,000 - $25,000
(*) - Estimated date; date will be updated when the next notice of funding opportunity is announced.

This program brings communities and researchers together to study high-priority environmental and economic issues in North Carolina. Research projects are led by one scientific expert and one local expert. Funded projects focus on North Carolina’s coastal waters or water resource issues. Proposals should address climate change.

Community Conservation Assistance Program

Funding Opportunity
Opportunity TypeFunding > Grant, Technical Assistance
FunderNC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
AwardUp to $35,000

This NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services program aims to improve water quality and reduce nonpoint source pollution. The program provides funding and technical assistance to implement best management practices. Private and public landowners are eligible. Projects cannot be on land involved with agriculture production.

Community Development Block Grant-Infrastructure

Funding Opportunity
Opportunity TypeFunding > Grant
FunderNC Department of Environmental Quality
AwardUp to $3 million

The NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Infrastructure administers Community Development Block Grant-Infrastructure (CDBG-I) funding for construction of public water and sewer infrastructure in low- to moderate-income communities. Projects install, repair or replace infrastructure to ensure water availability, reduce contamination and mitigate public and environmental health problems.