Reports and Tools

Find interactive websites, reports, mapping and other tools to help you achieve your resilience goals. To narrow down the list, use the check boxes and then scroll down to click the "Apply" button located below the list of options.

169 results found
Action Types

EPA's Regional Resilience Toolkit

Use this resource to: Access guidance on coordinating resilience planning at a regional scale — across multiple jurisdictions. The toolkit promotes an inclusive, coordinated approach to disaster planning. It is designed to help multiple jurisdictions and levels of government, as well as non-governmental partners and local groups, collaborate on regional-scale actions.

Hosted by: EPA; FEMA

Released: 2019

Equitable Resilience Builder

Use this resource to: Conduct resilience planning with a focus on equity. Engage in a guided process to inclusively assess local hazards, equity and the resilience of local resources. The tool contains a recorded training and activities such as participatory mapping, storytelling and action planning. The tool is designed for tribal, county, municipal and state agencies.

Hosted by: EPA

Released: 2023

Equity Guide for Green Stormwater Infrastructure Practitioners

Use this resource to: Read how green infrastructure can advance equity and review best practices and sample metrics to track progress toward long-term equity goals. The tool includes information on preventing displacement and a list of tools to help you customize community-informed equity work plans and evaluation plans to local contexts.

Hosted by: Green Infrastructure Leadership Exchange; Greenprint Partners

Released: 2022

Establishing a Business Recovery Center

Use this resource to: Review a set of steps designed to help you develop a business recovery center after a disaster. The center is meant as a one-stop-shop that provides local, state and federal resources and services for businesses after a catastrophic event. The webpage includes links to other helpful resources.

Hosted by: Restore Your Economy

Released: Unknown

Establishing a Stormwater Volume Credit Trading Program

Use this resource to: Review the process for developing a stormwater volume credit trading program. The document reviews key issues that municipalities and stormwater agencies may consider when evaluating a stormwater credit trading approach and provides a road map for determining if such an approach is well suited to meet local needs. 

Hosted by: American Rivers

Released: 2019

Establishing and Maintaining Inclusive Emergency Management with Immigrant and Refugee Populations

Use this resource to: Use this checklist to help strengthen your existing emergency preparedness plan by ensuring immigrants and refugees are part of any emergency response.

Hosted by: Welcoming America; Institute for Diversity and Inclusion in Emergency Management

Released: 2021

Expanding Mitigation Series

Use this resource to: Learn how to initiative a conversation with your local electric utility about resilience investments, how natural hazards affect older adults, benefit from diverse codes and standards, connect to faith-based partners and people with disabilities, explore the risk reduction benefits of protecting wildlife habitat and more.

Hosted by: FEMA

Released: 2020

Fact Sheet: How Can Revolving Loan Funds Make Our Coasts More Resilient?

Use this resource to: Learn how revolving loan funds operate and read about two existing programs.

Hosted by: Environmental and Energy Study Institute

Released: 2021

FEMA Preparedness Toolkit

Use this resource to: Access resources to develop and organize climate hazard management resources and ensure compliance with federal emergency response and risk management policies. Join an online community to share ideas, challenges and solutions with peers. Access guidance on completing the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment, and more.

Hosted by: FEMA

Released: Unknown

FEMA YouTube Channel

Use this resource to: Access FEMA's playlist of instructional videos to help prepare residents for flood mitigation and loss prevention.

Hosted by: FEMA

Released: 2010

FEMA’s National Risk Index

Use this resource to: Obtain a baseline hazard risk measurement by census tract or county. The tool incorporates a range of natural hazards and provides expected annual loss, a community resilience rating and a risk index for  how each hazard may impact socially vulnerable populations.

Hosted by: FEMA

Released: 2020

Fifth National Climate Assessment

Use this resource to: See the U.S. Government’s most recent report on climate change impacts, risks and recommended responses. This congressionally mandated report provides a scientific foundation to support decision-making at the local level. Chapter 22 discusses the southeast’s current and future risks and Chapters 4-20 review what can be done to reduce those risks. 

Hosted by: US Global Change Research Program

Released: 2023

Fire and Smoke Map

Use this resource to: Monitor the air quality impacts from smoke in your area. The map provides information like current air quality for specific locations, the locations of fires and smoke plumes, smoke forecasts and recommended actions to protect yourself from smoke. 

Hosted by: EPA

Released: Unknown

Fire Control and Prevention

Use this resource to: Find links to North Carolina’s wildfire resources. Use this site to learn how the NC Forest Service manages wildfires, see a maps of current wildfire activity and fire risk, access resources on wildfire prevention and safety, learn about prescribed fire and more.

Hosted by: NC Forest Service

Released: Unknown

Fire-Resistant Landscaping in North Carolina

Use this resource to: Learn the basic concepts for fire-resistant landscaping in North Carolina. The report includes information on plant selection, placement and maintenance; construction materials and a list of plants native to our state.

Hosted by: NC State Extension

Released: 2020