Reports and Tools

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169 results found
Action Types

Historic Resilience Resources

Use this resource to: Find guidance documents for historic resilience community planning, developing resilience design standards, understanding the adaptation strategies available to historic properties and more. The series of documents were written for local historic preservation commissions, owners of properties in historic districts and hazard mitigation professionals.

Hosted by: NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources

Released: 2023

How Cities are Paying for Climate Resilience

Use this resource to: Review eight distinct strategies cities are using to pay for large-scale climate resilience projects, mostly to address sea level rise and flooding.

Hosted by: Innovation Network for Communities

Released: 2019

Implementing the Steps to Resilience: A Practitioner's Guide

Use this resource to: Use this document to guide your use of the U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit’s Steps to Resilience. The resource includes step by step instructions, fillable exercises, a pilot training course and more.

Hosted by: NOAA

Released: 2022

In the Eye of the Storm: A People’s Guide to Transforming Crisis and Advancing Equity in the Disaster Continuum

Use this resource to: Learn about a process for building equity into the four phases of emergency management: prevent and mitigation, preparedness and resilience building, response and relief and recovery and redevelopment.

Hosted by: NAACP

Released: 2021

Incident Action Checklist - Power Outages

Use this resource to: Access a checklist of activities that drinking water and wastewater utilities can take to prepare for, respond to and recover from power outages.

Hosted by: EPA

Released: 2019

Incorporating Nature-based Solutions in Community Climate Adaptation Planning

Use this resource to: Delve into instructions for integrating nature-based solutions (NBS) into resilience planning, advice for overcoming key barriers to the use of NBS, financial mechanisms and government programs available to support NBS and case studies on successful examples. The appendix provides a checklist of considerations for the application of NBS. 

Hosted by: NOAA

Released: 2022

Incorporating Resilience into Transportation Planning and Assessment

Use this resource to: Incorporate resilience into your long-term transportation planning. The guide, which also addresses how transportation planners can measure resilience and consider equity in their decision-making, is designed for state transportation departments and metropolitan planning organizations. It includes recommendations to development resilience metrics.

Hosted by: RAND Corporation

Released: 2019

Integrating Climate Adaptation: A Toolkit for Urban Planners and Adaptation Practitioners

Use this resource to: Build a case for including resilience measures when developing projects and engaging decision-makers. Obtain guidance on integrating climate adaptation into urban planning. The resource includes an overview of recommended urban planning policies that can be used to adapt to climate change, including through comprehensive plans, zoning and more. 

Hosted by: C40

Released: Unknown

Integrating Resilience into Local Capital Improvement Programs

Use this resource to: Review best practices for embedding climate risk assessments into capital improvement planning processes at the municipal and county level, as a cost-effective means of building community resilience to climate-related threats. The document was designed for Maryland’s Eastern Shore but is relevant to North Carolina.

Hosted by: University of Maryland Environmental Finance Center

Released: 2018

Landslides in Western North Carolina

Use this resource to: Explore current and historical information about landslides across the region, and access resources to help you plan for and build resilience to landslide hazards.

Hosted by: NC Geological Survey

Released: Unknown

Leadership in Times of Crisis: A Toolkit for Economic Recovery and Resiliency

Use this resource to: Review guidance for engaging the business community in disaster preparation, offering business continuity training for small businesses, getting organized for a major incident, assessing the economic impacts of a major disaster, communicating during a crisis and more. The resource includes checklists and a list of related resources.

Hosted by: International Economic Development Council

Released: 2015

Low Impact Development Barrier Buster Fact Sheet Series

Use this resource to: Review these fact sheets on the benefits of low impact development (LID) strategies; LID construction techniques on specific slopes, soils and small spaces; how to use incentives, planning techniques and codes to facilitate LID projects and more. LID is the use of natural processes to manage stormwater and protect water quality.

Hosted by: EPA

Released: 2012

Managed Retreat Toolkit

Use this resource to: Access legal and policy tools, best and emerging practices and case studies that support decision-making around managed retreat, specifically in coastal areas. The toolkit is designed to help policymakers overcome legal and policy barriers to managed retreat projects. The toolkit also includes information on how to talk about managed retreat.

Hosted by: Georgetown Climate Center

Released: Unknown

Mental Health and Our Changing Climate: Impacts, Implications and Guidance

Use this resource to: Learn how climate change impacts mental health. The report is designed to provide climate communicators, planners, policymakers, public health professionals and other leaders with tools and tips to respond to the mental health impacts of climate change and bolster public engagement on climate solutions.

Hosted by: American Psychological Association; Climate for Health; ecoAmerica

Released: 2017


Use this resource to: Learn about microgrids, which are energy systems that help diversify energy supply. The site provides introductory information, explanatory videos and a map of some microgrid locations in North Carolina.

Hosted by: NC Electric Cooperatives

Released: 2020