Reports and Tools

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169 results found
Action Types

Ready-To-Fund Resilience: Technical Input Paper

Use this resource to: Use this guidebook alongside the Ready-to-Fund Resilience Toolkit. The resource provides background information on funding and finance, recommendations for centering equity in resilience funding, instructions for co-developing projects with residents and reviews the 10 characters of ready-to-fund resilience projects in detail.

Hosted by: NOAA

Released: 2022

Use this resource to: Access preparedness materials and social media kits that empower residents and businesses to prepare for, respond to and mitigate emergencies and disasters. Materials cover a wide array of hazards including extreme heat, drought, flooding, wildfires, winter storms and more. Some materials are also available in other languages.

Hosted by: FEMA

Released: 2003

Use this resource to: Help residents plan, prepare and stay informed about hazards. The site provides a list of current evacuation orders and routes, power outages, open emergency shelters, information for residents and businesses about how to register for disaster assistance and more.

Hosted by: NC Emergency Management

Released: Unknown

Reconnecting Rivers to Floodplains

Use this resource to: Read about what defines riverine floodplains, why they’re important to healthy rivers and how they can be restored. This report aims to aid restoration practitioners, floodplain managers, river conservationists and others interested in laying a foundation for successful floodplain restoration efforts in their community.

Hosted by: American Rivers

Released: 2016

Reduce Flood Risk

Use this resource to: Understand the basics of flooding and flood risks. Users can also view strategies and access resources that local, tribal, regional and state government officials can use to explain flood mitigation to residents and understand what actions your community can take to reduce its own risk of flooding and flood damage. 

Hosted by: Association of State Floodplain Managers

Released: 2022

Resilience Analysis Planning Tool

Use this resource to: Access over 100 preloaded GIS layers from peer-reviewed research, the most current census demographic data, infrastructure data and data on weather, hazards and risk. See maps of mobile home parks, nursing homes and more. RAPT also includes easy to use analysis tools, the ability to add in data from other sources and print and download functions.

Hosted by: FEMA

Released: Unknown

Resilience Hubs

Use this resource to: Access guidance on the development of resilience hubs, which are partnership-based, community-serving facilities that aid and educate residents and coordinate resource distribution.

Hosted by: Urban Sustainability Directors Network

Released: Unknown

Resist Wildfire - North Carolina

Use this resource to: Access wildfire resistant resources developed for North Carolina. Resources include guidance and fact sheets to help community members improve the fire resistance of their homes, information on the state’s Fuels Removal Program and a list of organizations that support wildfire resistance in North Carolina.

Hosted by: NC Forest Service; NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

Released: Unknown

Restoration and Management of Coastal Dune Vegetation

Use this resource to: Learn about recommended dune grasses, planting schedules and fertilization to restore coastal dunes. 

Hosted by: NC State Extension

Released: Unknown

Rivers and Roads: Opportunities to Better Integrate Green Infrastructure and Transportation Projects

Use this resource to: Review recommendations to integrate green infrastructure into stormwater management and transportation projects, focusing specifically on roads and highways. In addition to featuring two case studies, the report summarizes transportation and capital improvement planning and provides recommendations to fund green infrastructure on roads and highways.

Hosted by: American Rivers

Released: 2015

Roadway Inundation Tool

Use this resource to: See potential overtopping depths and flood effects at each primary road river crossing, and more. The map is behind a login, but it’s free to create an account.

Hosted by: NC Department of Transportation

Released: 2021

Rural Capacity Map

Use this resource to: Want to support communities that need help? Use this map to identify communities with limited capacity. The index incorporates metrics on local government staffing, community education and engagement and socioeconomic trends. Results are available for counties, county subdivisions, communities and tribal areas. 

Hosted by: Headwaters Economics; US Department of Commerce

Released: 2022

Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flood Web Tools Comparison Matrix - North Carolina

Use this resource to: View an expandable chart to compare the functions and methods of publicly available sea level rise and coastal flood web tools.

Hosted by: Climate Central

Released: Unknown

Sea Level Rise Viewer

Use this resource to: Visualize community-level impacts from coastal flooding or sea level rise up to 10 feet above average high tides. Photo simulations of how future flooding might impact local landmarks are also provided, as well as data related to water depth, connectivity, flood frequency, socio-economic vulnerability, wetland loss and migration and more.

Hosted by: NOAA Office for Coastal Management

Released: 2019

Southeast Climate Hub

Use this resource to: Access tools and training resources to help you maintain and strengthen agricultural production, natural resource management and rural economic development under increasing climate variability. The Southeast Climate Hub can also connect you with public, academic and private sector organizations that provide resources and technical support. 

Hosted by: US Department of Agriculture

Released: 2014