Reports and Tools

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169 results found
Action Types

Step-by-Step Guide to Integrating Community Input into Green Infrastructure Projects

Use this resource to: Review eight steps local governments can take to integrate community input into green infrastructure projects. For each step, the document provides details and tips to help local governments. Examples include ideas for more interactive meetings, designing outreach for more equitable outcomes, identifying community champions and more.

Hosted by: Environmental Law Institute; Amigos Bravos;

Released: 2018

Stormwater Design Manual

Use this resource to: Access links to design guidance for many types of small-scale stormwater management practices. Resources include common site and stormwater control measure elements, minimum design criteria and recommendations for stormwater control measures and new stormwater technologies, and more.

Hosted by: NC Department of Environmental Quality

Released: 2017

Supply Chain Resilience Guide

Use this resource to: Make use of this process for increasing supply chain resilience. The guide is designed to help emergency managers at every level think through the challenge and opportunity presented by supply chain resilience. Considerations include fuel, routes, distribution points and more.

Hosted by: FEMA

Released: 2019

Sustainable Development Code

Use this resource to: Browse a database of development code recommendations, case studies, policy briefs and best practices to remove obstacles, create incentives and fill regulatory gaps. The site includes “best,” “better” and “good” code recommendations to build climate resilience for natural and man-made resources.

Hosted by: Drake University Law School

Released: Unknown

The Climate Explorer

Use this resource to: Access interactive graphs and maps showing past and projected heat, precipitation, high tide and growing season conditions for counties in North Carolina and across the US. Built to support the U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit, the tool can help you explore projected future climate conditions that may put people, property and other assets at risk.

Hosted by: NOAA Office for Coastal Management

Released: Unknown

The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment

Use this resource to: Review this congressionally mandated report to understand how climate change is impacting human health. Each chapter summarizes scientific literature on specific health outcomes or climate change related exposures that are important to health. The target audience is public health officials, urban and disaster response planners and decision makers.

Hosted by: US Global Change Research Program

Released: 2016

The Local Economic Impact of Flood-Resilience Infrastructure Projects

Use this resource to: Learn how flood resilience projects can create jobs, stimulate local markets and bring additional benefits. The report is accompanied by a webinar.

Hosted by: American Flood Coalition

Released: 2020

Translation Tips: A Guide for Emergency Managers and Public Information Officers

Use this resource to: Access specific tips about preparing materials for translation and working with translators. The document was created by the government of King County, WA, but is applicable to any local decision-maker.

Hosted by: King County (Washington)

Released: 2019

Tree Equity Score

Use this resource to: Access municipal-scale data on urban tree cover metrics. The Tree Equity Score measures how well the critical benefits of urban tree canopy are reaching communities living on low incomes, communities of color and communities disproportionately affected by climate hazards like extreme heat.

Hosted by: American Forests

Released: 2021

Tribal Adaptation Planning Toolkit

Use this resource to: Access a collection of templates and other resources developed to assist tribes in their climate change adaptation planning process. Among other resources, the toolkit includes a template resolution for establishing a climate change adaptation initiative and a template tribal climate change adaptation plan.

Hosted by: Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals

Released: 2020

Types of Nature-Based Solutions

Use this resource to: Use this database of nature-based solutions to identify appropriate strategies by scale, including for a watershed, a coastal area or a small neighborhood project. Featured nature-based solutions include oyster reefs, stormwater parks, land conservation, rainwater harvesting, tree canopy and more.

Hosted by: FEMA

Released: Unknown

U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit

Use this resource to: Find resources from across the federal government in one location. Review the “Steps to Resilience” planning process, read case studies about peer communities’ climate efforts and access climate projections. The site also hosts reports issued by government agencies and scientific organizations, lists of training opportunities and more.

Hosted by: NOAA

Released: 2014

U.S. Climate Vulnerability Index

Use this resource to: See how vulnerability and climate change risk intersect at the census tract and county levels. Compare tracts to one another, type in an address to see its data, identify areas to prioritize for investment and more. The map includes data on physical health, transportation, temperature-related deaths, costs of climate disasters and more.

Hosted by: Environmental Defense Fund

Released: 2023

U.S. Drought Monitor - North Carolina

Use this resource to: Use this site to know when to trigger drought responses or declare drought emergencies in North Carolina. The U.S. Drought Monitor updates its maps every Thursday to show where drought is and how bad it is. Note that the U.S. Drought Monitor is not a forecast; instead, it looks back in time, providing a “snapshot” of very recent conditions.

Hosted by: National Drought Mitigation Center; NOAA - Climate Prediction Center

Released: 1999

U.S. Drought Monitor - State Impacts

Use this resource to: View the history of drought impacts in North Carolina and other states. Sort the list of impacts by season, date and sector (e.g., Agriculture, Plants and Wildlife, Society and Public Health). View information about each historically observed drought impact.

Hosted by: National Drought Mitigation Center; NOAA - Climate Prediction Center

Released: 1999